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Paston and Gunthorpe Community Centre has been a registered charity since 1973.


We are in the process of collating a complete History of the Association.

If you have any information, photos, stories or memories you would like to share with us, we would be very interested in hearing from you!

History of Paston and Gunthorpe Community Association and Centre

Paston and Gunthorpe Community Centre first opened in the late 1960's, located on Donaldson Drive.


Between 1974 and 1975 it relocated to Gunthorpe Road.


In the mid-80's it relocated once again to the current location on Hallfields Lane, where it operated out of a mobile unit until the present building was built in 1992.

Paston and Gunthorpe Community Association was formed in 1971 using an unlet shop in Donaldson Drive Paston, as a meeting place. An Elliott building was provided in 1972 and sited in Holmes Way. In 1975 a larger Elliott building was provided and located on Gunthorpe Road, this was relocated in 1982 to Halfields Lane, and in 1984 extended to its present site.


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